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Mysterious conky window

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Don B. Cilly
Registered Member

Mysterious conky window

Wed Jul 03, 2019 6:03 am
At startup, most times but not all, I get a window over the conky monitor, same shape and size of it, totally un-transparent, with an X-server icon, and no information available. It looks like this: (I moved it to the left a bit)


If I close it, or if restart conky, it never appears.
At startup, it randomly does.

Funny, eh?
I've never seen a conky window with a title bar... but it's the same shape, size and position of the actual conky one.
I've tried this conky on quite a few systems, never a glitch.
It only does it on my son's laptop, with Neon 18.04. (Boo, dad you're no good as usual ;·)


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