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Clock showing frozen time

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Clock showing frozen time

Sat Jul 06, 2019 6:34 am
So I am having a weird issue with the Clock widget in the taskbar. I am running KDE Plasma Desktop 5.16.2, this also happened on 5.15, on Pop!_OS 19.04.

When I launch a game through Steam or Lutris (only two I have installed) and proceed to open a KDE App, most notably the System Settings, time on the clock reverts to some weird time (right now 9:41PM) and stays there until I quit the game that I am playing, then it refreshes. If I never open a KDE App after I run the game, the clock runs and updates just fine. If I go to Adjust Date & Time, it shows the correct time there.

The above stays true until I either A) Logout, or B) Restart the machine.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is this a current bug (I searched the bug tracker and didnt find anything) or known issue? Any help would be appreciated.


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