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Conky window flashing every time it updates the status

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I wasn't sure whether the topic is for this section, so if it's not for here, I apologise and feel free to move it to the right section. But since I use Plasma 5, I figured this would be a suitable place the ask.

I used Cinnamon for 2 years (Mint 18.3) but recently I migrated to Arch Linux and even more recently - to KDE. I managed to make Conky work with KDE but I noticed that every time Conky updates the status of the hardware, its own window flashes, as in very, very quickly the window disappears and then appears with the updated values. The thing is - this never happened in Cinnamon and I'm out of ideas what to do to make it stop flashing. I'm open to suggestions what to try. In case you need my configuration for Conky, here it is:

Code: Select all
# ******************************************
# "CPU Panel (2-core)" theme for Conky by rado84
# ******************************************

background no
double_buffer no

alignment top_right

border_width 0
cpu_avg_samples 2
default_color color2
default_outline_color black
default_shade_color black
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
draw_outline yes
draw_shades no

gap_x 14
gap_y 14
net_avg_samples 2
no_buffers yes
out_to_console no
out_to_stderr no
extra_newline no

own_window yes
own_window_type normal #types: normal, desktop, dock, override, panel
own_window_transparent no
own_window_colour 000000
own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_argb_value 0
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager

minimum_size 200 300
stippled_borders 0
update_interval 5.0
uppercase no
use_spacer none

show_graph_scale no
show_graph_range no

use_xft yes
xftalpha 0.1
# xftfont Noto Sans:size=15
color0 FFFFFF    #white
color1 FF0000   #red
color2 E2B582   #baige
color3 00BF00   #nVidia green
color4 00BFFF   #sky blue
color5 000000   #black
color6 E57231   #orange
color7 A17FFF   #light purple
color8 C2C2C2   #silver

${color4}${font Noto Sans:style=Bold:pixelsize=20}${alignc}Intel Core i3-4170
${color6}${font Noto Sans:style=Bold:pixelsize=20}CPU Load ${alignr}${cpu cpu0}%
${color2}CPU Temp ${color2}${alignr}${hwmon 0 temp 1}° C
${color7}CPU Freq ${color7}${alignr}${freq_g} GHz

${color3}${font Noto Sans:style=Bold:pixelsize=20}${alignc}nVIDIA GTX 1050 Ti 4GB
${color6}GPU Temp${alignr}${execi 60 nvidia-settings -query GPUCoreTemp| grep gpu | perl -ne 'print $1 if /GPUCoreTemp.*?: (\d+)./;'}° C

${color1}${font Noto Sans:style=Bold:pixelsize=20}${alignc}KERNEL VERSION
${color8}${font Noto Sans:style=Bold:pixelsize=20}${alignc}${kernel}

${color2}RAM: ${color2}${alignr}${mem} ${color0}/ ${color2}${memmax}
${color2}${membar 25}

${color8}${top_mem name 1} $alignr ${top_mem mem_res 1}
${color8}${top_mem name 2} $alignr ${top_mem mem_res 2}
${color8}${top_mem name 3} $alignr ${top_mem mem_res 3}
#${color8}${top_mem name 4} $alignr ${top_mem mem_res 4}
#${color8}${top_mem name 5} $alignr ${top_mem mem_res 5}

#${alignc}${color2}Used space
#${color2}${alignc}SSD: ${fs_used /mnt/} ${color0}/ ${color2}${fs_size}
#${color2}${alignc}WD-1000: ${fs_used /media/1000GB/} ${color0}/ ${color2}${fs_size /media/1000GB/}
#${color2}${alignc}WD-500: ${fs_used /media/500GB/} ${color0}/ ${color2}${fs_size /media/500GB/}
#${color2}${fs_bar 25}

Normally the flashing doesn't bother me much but on rare occasions and for unknown reasons, when I double click the desktop icon of a Steam game (native Linux game) and in that exact moment Conky goes flashing, the game sort of freezes and I can only hear its sound but the graphics won't appear. This fixes in two ways: if I hide Conky's window, run the game, then alt+tab and unhide Conky's window OR if I'm quick enough to double click the game icon between flashes which happen every 4 seconds (that's the update time I've set in Conky Manager).

The commented lines are ones I don't need for the moment or items I was unable tot make them work - like the last 5 lines of the code.

So, if you have any ideas how to stop Conky's window from flashing every time it updates, I'd appreciate it.

Code: Select all
[rado@anarchy]: ~>$ screenfetch -n
 OS: anarchy
 Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.2.4-arch1-1-ARCH
 Uptime: 14m
 Packages: Unknown
 Shell: bash
 Resolution: 1920x1080
 DE: KDE 5.60.0 / Plasma 5.16.4
 WM: KWin
 GTK Theme: Mint-Y-Brownish_for-Cinnamon-v4_by-rado84 [GTK2/3]
 Icon Theme: Humanity-Dark
 Font: Noto Sans Bold
 CPU: Intel Core i3-4170 @ 4x 3.7GHz [40.0°C]
 GPU: GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
 RAM: 1187MiB / 32087MiB


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