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Bug report

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Bug report

Tue Aug 06, 2019 5:52 am
I don't know if i am in the right section but here my problem.
I found that sometimes Discover crashes during normal browse. A little pop-up window comes up asking if i wanted to report the bug which i tried to do.
The problem is that if i follow the instruction that window turns out that i need a proper way to generate a backtrace. Searching on the KDE website i found that i need the right .dbg file/library but i don't know which one is correct for discover. I tried plasma-discover-dbg but nothing.
Which one is the correct?
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Re: Bug report

Wed Aug 07, 2019 6:08 am
You need to create and account in this site:

Once you have your account ready, follow the process to submit your bug. The developers themselves might reply you or the bug might have been reported by someone already and you can just add yourself to the post and vote how important the bug is so the developers can see it.

This is the section for Discover: ... t=Discover
Registered Member

Re: Bug report

Wed Aug 07, 2019 8:53 am
I have done that. And i sent the info i found the pop up windows that came after discover crash.
I had then the answer from the team where they stated it was not good and useful as backtrace and i need to install " the debug symbols, reproduce the crash, and
attach a new backtrace"

On the page of the instructions:
"The Ubuntu family makes things quite easy. Every official KDE module has an additional package in the repository, suffixed with -dbg. Always install kdelibs5-dbg, because all KDE applications use kdelibs (kdelibs-dbg for KDE 3 applications). Then you should install a -dbg package for the application which crashed. For example if KOrganizer crashed you should install kdepim-dbg as well. If the program is not from an official KDE module and has no -dbg package, you can install the -dbgsym package from the repository listed on this Debugging Program Crashes page. "

I checked on the debugging program crashes page but i can't find Discover


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