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Multi monitor and multi GPU setup

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Multi monitor and multi GPU setup

Wed Aug 21, 2019 11:21 pm
I've problem with my current monitor setup:

nVidia GPU with monitor (A) (nVidia drivers) and Intel iGPU with monitor (B).

KDE is recognizing fine both of them but monitor (B) is always treated as Primary monitor. After setting monitor (A) as Primary it is working also fine unless I switch to one monitor setup, then option goes back to default.

It's problematic because first of all my main monitor (A) on nvidia GPU is shown as "External" and it is on the left side and when I try to extend it the option I must choose needs to be "Extend to the left". Also without switching primary monitor most apps are opening on monitor (B) instead of main monitor (A).

How to change it permanently?

I'm using Arch distro.


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