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MASSIVE auth.log file due to kdeinit5?

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Hello there!

I did not really know what forum to post this, but considering the amount of "KDE" appearances in the log entries, I thought this would be the best place. In any case, If this is the wrong place, I would like to be directed to the right forum.

Current Plasma version: 5.17.1

Long story short
After a really long nap, I woke up to my computer not being responsive, and the / partition being full. This was due to the file /var/log/auth.log taking up almost 40GB and with about 97 MILLION entries.

The repeated entry was the following:
Code: Select all
Oct 24 10:42:31 noxel dbus-daemon[3322]: [session uid=1000 pid=3320] Rejected: destination has a full message queue, 0 matched rules; type="signal", sender=":1.2" (uid=1000 pid=3331 comm="kded5 [kdeinit5]                                  ") interface="org.kde.KDirNotify" member="FilesAdded" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (uid=1000 pid=3331 comm="kded5 [kdeinit5]

I would want to know what went wrong, and if I could prevent this from happening again (I have already fixed logrotate) since it seems to be something regarding notifications perhaps(?)



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