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Osd.qml file

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Osd.qml file

Sat Nov 23, 2019 8:44 am

In the folder /usr/share/plasma/look-and-feel/org.kde.breeze.desktop/contents/osd/there are 2 files. One of them is Osd.qml.
In this file there is a setting for how long you want to have the volume change icon visible. Default is 1800 msec;

Code: Select all
// OSD Timeout in msecs - how long it will stay on the screen
    property int timeout: 1800

For me that is way too long. When the icon would be smaller and placed in a corner of the screen this would not matter so much, but it is big and right in the center.
When changing the volume the icon keeps covering a large part of the video you're watching after having released the volume up/down button.
So, I change it to 500 msec, which makes it disappear quickly.
But with every update of the KDE system the file is updated and the default time is 1800 msec again, so I have to change it again, and do a restart or re-login to make it work.

is there a way to place this variable somewhere else where it doesn't get overwritten with every update, make the icon smaller and place it somewhere out of the center of the screen? Notifications can now be placed where ever you want them, why not this one?

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Re: Osd.qml file  Topic is solved

Thu Dec 12, 2019 9:39 am
DeMus wrote:is there a way to place this variable somewhere else where it doesn't get overwritten with every update, make the icon smaller and place it somewhere out of the center of the screen? Notifications can now be placed where ever you want them, why not this one?

I'm afraid that the only and the right way is to request a new feature for reimplement the metioned *.qml files, that the values for timeout, icon size, location on the screen, ... are get from (or beeing calculated based on) some config file. And you also need a config panel for these values ;)


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