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Plasma 5 Kiosk mode setup

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Plasma 5 Kiosk mode setup

Tue Feb 04, 2020 9:07 am
I'm using plasmashell 5.12.8. I have some question regarding KDE plasma 5 kiosk mode. I want to decide the default settings for the desktop appearance, and limit almost all functionality for the users. The only thing they should be able to do is run the programs I have put as icons on the desktop. I have spend some days testing and reading about KDE, and I have some questions that I hope someone can answer.

Question 1)
I'm a bit confused by all the different places to change settings. If I change the wallpaper with the "regular" graphical settings I can see that the .config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc get rewritten. Nice! Now, if I want this wallpaper for all new users, how do I do that? I have found the propagation order for files, but it does not seem to work as it should. To make this wallpaper the default, should I place a copy of .config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc in /etc/xdg, /etc/config, /etc/kde5rc /etc/skel or does it not matter?

Question 2)
The KDE Action restrictions do not seem to work. I have tried to implement a long list of restrictions, such as:

[KDE Action Restrictions][$i]

I have added this in the kdeglobal files. I have edited all kdeglobal-files I can find. (usr/.config/kdeglobals, usr/.kde4/share/config/kdeglobals, /etc/kde4/kdeglobals, /.config/kdeglobals ) but it wont take effect at all. What am I doing wrong?

3) How do I best remove all the standard panels and menus that are default for KDE? Is the restrictions in kdeglobals the best way to go?

Very thankful for all tips regarding plasma kiosk mode and how to lock down the user desktops!


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