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How can I run scripts when I switch to or from an activity?

Tags: plasma, activities, scripts, activitymanager plasma, activities, scripts, activitymanager plasma, activities, scripts, activitymanager
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How can I run specific scripts whenever I switch to an activity or away from it.
Suppose I have the following activities:
  • workplace
  • media

My goal is to be able to accomplish something like the following:
* On switch to workplace 1 activity
- run ScriptA, which tells plasma-nm to connect to workplace 1 VPN connection and opens konsole with several tabs that contain ssh connections that are available only over vpn
* On switch away from workplace 1 activity
- run ScriptB, which closes any konsole windows in this activity and tells plasma-nm to close connection to workplace 1 VPN

I have "ScriptA" done, and I tried to get the workflow above working based on the information at Reproduced below:
The Consumer is the class you might use if you wanted ti make a C++ service that does this (or you could make a kactivitymanagerd plugin).
If you want to do it via shell scripting, there is an undocumented feature of the activitymanager daemon to run scripts/applications on certain activity events. If you put a script (chomd +x) into ~/.local/share/kactivitymanagerd/activities/ACTIVITY_UUID/started, it will be executed when the activity starts. Other supported events are stopped, activated and deactivated.
If you manage to integrate activities with lxc or docker, please write a guide somewhere - this would be a really cool thing to have for people who want proper containerized session support.

First, the information is a bit unclear since I do not know if "started" should be a folder or the name of the script file that will be executed. In either case, however, I am unable to get my script to run either when switching to the relevant activity or starting and stopping it. Any help or guidance on this will be greatly appreciated.
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Did you find a solution? I am interested in this topic, to make stuff like what you tried to achieve work.
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I also came across similar requirement and found that there are multiple methods
    - Put a shell script or ".desktop" file into the "~/.local/share/kactivitymanagerd/activities/<ACTIVITY_UUID>/<state>" folder.
      - the <state> can be "started", "stopped", "activated", "deactivated". The later 2 should be triggered when switching to/from the target activity
      - the <activity_uuid> can be acquired via
      Code: Select all
      qdbus org.kde.ActivityManager /ActivityManager/Activities org.kde.ActivityManager.Activities.CurrentActivity
    - Associate the script to the activities via "Power Management -> Activities Power Settings -> Run script"


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