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Organize Discover for flatpak, snap etc.

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I write this post, hoping it will be read by some KDE developer and beyond.
In GNU / Linux the various software centers are causing headaches to many users, because they are poorly organized.
When you have multiple sources with different types of packages, logic would like that the software centers are very organized, we make a predefined section for example rpm or apt (depending on the default package of the distribution), a section for flatpak and another for snap etc. It's so difficult ? The user should know where the package comes from, choose where to look.
Do you know how many times I happened to install a flatpak thinking it was an rpm?
This is not only a Discover problem, because Gnome Software has the same problem.
We need to be clear on the source of the package, it is not a detail.
Thanks to all the KDE developers and thanks for the great work you do. A greeting. :)


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