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My setup to descibe my problem:
I'm logged into a kde session at my desktop running plasmashell/plasma5 and kwin_x11. As a user I start a TigerVNC that creates another x-display (with the "vncserver" command). The TigerVNC xstartup starts a xterm. Now when i connect to the vnc server i get a black screen with a single xterm (as expected). In the xterm i can type "kwin_x11 &" to get a windows boarders, but when i type "plasmashell &" it instantly quits doing nothing. When i quit plasmashell on the actuall pc using "killall plasmashell" and then try again "plasmashell &" on the vnc session, plasma 5 starts as expected. So my educated guess when i try to start plasmashell in the vnc session it detects the other plasmashell instance running on the physical x-server and quits itself. Is it possible to have 2 seperate plasmashell instances running on the vnc x-display and the physical x-display? |
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