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Chrome crashes whenever changing the monitor setup

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Every time I change a monitor setup parameter (resolution, orientation, etc.) in systemsettings5 my google-chrome browser crashes.
Unfortunately this also happens whenever I attach or detach my external monitor and also when monitor power saving mode drops in due to a period of inactivity. This leaves me with a crashing browser several times a day :'( . Changing the OpenGL version of the compositor has no effect on this (and also no crash).

Currently, I'm running openSUSE Tumbleweed on a Thinkpad (hence always up-to-date and currently with Chrome 85.0.4168 and kwin, plasma 5.19 on Qt libs 5.15.0). With openSUSE Leap 15.1 (until recently) this has never been a problem.

What could be the cause for this?
Can someone please confirm this ()?
Is there a possible workaround I could try in this situation?

Thanks in advance!

Last edited by squan on Sat Jul 11, 2020 4:37 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Did you make crash reports to Chrome? Make sure you use an up-to date browser version.
FWIW: crashes with applications should be reported to these applications, ev. to the distribution if it is a distribution specific version.

Running Kubuntu 22.10 with Plasma 5.26.3, Frameworks 5.100.0, Qt 5.15.6, kernel 5.19.0-23 on Ryzen 5 4600H, AMD Renoir, X11
FWIW: it's always useful to state the exact Plasma version (+ distribution) when asking questions, makes it easier to help ...


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