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Right click does not work in plasma components only

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i use a Dell XPS 13 9300 (UHD w/touchscreen) with Arch Linux and KDE Plasma 5.19.4 (Qt 5.15.0, Kernel 5.8.1-arch1-1).

I have the problem that after some time of uptime my right mousebutton (Touchpad and Touchscreen) does not work anymore.
But this is only the case for Panels, Desktop background, system settings.
It works flawlessly e.g. in Kate, KMail or Firefox at the same time.
After a reboot it works again for some time.

I have tap-to-click configured for my touchpad, no special settings for touchscreen (there simple holding a spot produces a right click).
I changed also the settings to 3-finger-tap for right click without success, as well as right-bottom-corner right click also without success.

Anybody an idea how to fix this? Especially no right click on the panel is pretty frustrating.
I'm happy with any ideas.



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