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Any ETA on when I'll stop receiving the below warnings?

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I used topgrade to update EndeavourOS and received the below warnings. I know Plasma 5.20 dropped today so I'm assuming the warnings are in regards to the official update. I'd like to know if there is a ETA on when I can expect to stop getting the warnings or if I need to change something since the official version dropped today. Thanks

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[alienprober@TheMotrhership ~]$ topgrade

―― 12:34:05 - System update ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
[sudo] password for alienprober:
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 kde-unstable is up to date
 core is up to date
 extra                1640.2 KiB  8.75 MiB/s 00:00 [---------------------] 100%
 community               5.2 MiB  74.2 MiB/s 00:00 [---------------------] 100%
 multilib is up to date
 endeavouros is up to date
 herecura is up to date
 chaotic-aur          1417.8 KiB  1138 KiB/s 00:01 [---------------------] 100%
:: Starting full system upgrade...
warning: bluedevil: local (1:5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (1:5.19.5-1)
warning: breeze: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: breeze-gtk: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: discover: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: drkonqi: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: kactivitymanagerd: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: kde-cli-tools: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: kde-gtk-config: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: kdecoration: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: kdeplasma-addons: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: kgamma5: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: khotkeys: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: kinfocenter: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: kmenuedit: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: knetattach: local (5.19.90-3) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: kscreen: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: kscreenlocker: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: ksshaskpass: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: ksysguard: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: kwallet-pam: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: kwayland-integration: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: kwayland-server: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: kwin: local (5.19.90-2) is newer than extra (5.19.5-2)
warning: kwrited: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: libkscreen: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: libksysguard: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: milou: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: oxygen: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: plasma-browser-integration: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: plasma-desktop: local (5.19.90-3) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: plasma-integration: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: plasma-nm: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: plasma-pa: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: plasma-sdk: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: plasma-thunderbolt: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: plasma-vault: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: plasma-workspace: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-3)
warning: plasma-workspace-wallpapers: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: polkit-kde-agent: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: powerdevil: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: sddm-kcm: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: systemsettings: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
warning: xdg-desktop-portal-kde: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (1) pamac-all-9.5.11-2

Total Download Size:   0.89 MiB
Total Installed Size:  3.43 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:      0.00 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
:: Retrieving packages...
 pamac-all-9.5.11...   916.2 KiB   741 KiB/s 00:01 [---------------------] 100%
(1/1) checking keys in keyring                     [---------------------] 100%
(1/1) checking package integrity                   [---------------------] 100%
(1/1) loading package files                        [---------------------] 100%
(1/1) checking for file conflicts                  [---------------------] 100%
:: Running pre-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Creating Timeshift snapshot before upgrade...
Using system disk as snapshot device for creating snapshots in BTRFS mode

/dev/nvme0n1p2 is mounted at: /run/timeshift/backup, options: rw,relatime,ssd,space_cache,autodefrag,subvolid=5,subvol=/

Creating new backup...(BTRFS)
Saving to device: /dev/nvme0n1p2, mounted at path: /run/timeshift/backup
Created directory: /run/timeshift/backup/timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2020-10-13_12-34-27
Created subvolume snapshot: /run/timeshift/backup/timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2020-10-13_12-34-27/@
Created control file: /run/timeshift/backup/timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2020-10-13_12-34-27/info.json
BTRFS Snapshot saved successfully (0s)
Tagged snapshot '2020-10-13_12-34-27': ondemand

/dev/nvme0n1p2 is mounted at: /run/timeshift/backup, options: rw,relatime,ssd,space_cache,autodefrag,subvolid=5,subvol=/

Removing snapshot: 2020-10-13_06-50-14
Deleting subvolume: @ (Id:386)
Deleted subvolume: @ (Id:386)

Destroying qgroup: 0/386
Destroyed qgroup: 0/386

Deleted directory: /run/timeshift/backup/timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2020-10-13_06-50-14
Removed snapshot: 2020-10-13_06-50-14
Generating grub configuration file ...
Found theme: /boot/grub/themes/EndeavourOS/theme.txt
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-linux
Found initrd image: /boot/amd-ucode.img /boot/initramfs-linux.img
Found fallback initrd image(s) in /boot: initramfs-linux-fallback.img
Detecting snapshots ...
Info: Separate boot partition not detected
Found snapshot: 2020-10-13 12:34:27 | timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2020-10-13_12-34-27/@
Found snapshot: 2020-10-13 11:35:24 | timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2020-10-13_11-35-24/@
Found snapshot: 2020-10-13 07:12:54 | timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2020-10-13_07-12-54/@
Found snapshot: 2020-10-09 05:00:02 | timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2020-10-09_05-00-02/@
Found snapshot: 2020-10-05 06:59:30 | timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2020-10-05_06-59-30/@
Found snapshot: 2020-10-02 05:00:01 | timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2020-10-02_05-00-01/@
Found snapshot: 2020-10-01 04:32:11 | timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2020-10-01_04-32-11/@
Found 7 snapshot(s)
:: Processing package changes...
(1/1) upgrading pamac-all                          [---------------------] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/6) Reloading system manager configuration...
(2/6) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
(3/6) Reloading system bus configuration...
(4/6) Updating icon theme caches...
(5/6) Updating the desktop file MIME type cache...
(6/6) Updating the MIME type database...
:: Searching databases for updates...
:: Searching AUR for updates...
 -> bluedevil: local (1:5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (1:5.19.5-1)
 -> breeze: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> breeze-gtk: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> discover: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> drkonqi: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> kactivitymanagerd: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> kde-cli-tools: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> kde-gtk-config: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> kdecoration: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> kdeplasma-addons: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> kgamma5: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> khotkeys: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> kinfocenter: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> kmenuedit: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> knetattach: local (5.19.90-3) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> kscreen: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> kscreenlocker: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> ksshaskpass: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> ksysguard: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> kwallet-pam: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> kwayland-integration: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> kwayland-server: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> kwin: local (5.19.90-2) is newer than extra (5.19.5-2)
 -> kwrited: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> libkscreen: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> libksysguard: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> milou: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> oxygen: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> plasma-browser-integration: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> plasma-desktop: local (5.19.90-3) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> plasma-integration: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> plasma-nm: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> plasma-pa: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> plasma-sdk: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> plasma-thunderbolt: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> plasma-vault: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> plasma-workspace: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-3)
 -> plasma-workspace-wallpapers: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> polkit-kde-agent: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> powerdevil: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> sddm-kcm: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> systemsettings: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
 -> xdg-desktop-portal-kde: local (5.19.90-1) is newer than extra (5.19.5-1)
:: Checking development packages...
 -> Orphaned AUR Packages:  lib32-gmp4
 -> Flagged Out Of Date AUR Packages:  snapd-git
 there is nothing to do

―― 12:34:35 - Yarn ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

―― 12:34:35 - Flatpak User Packages ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
Looking for updates…
Nothing to do.
Looking for updates…
Info: org.gnome.Platform is end-of-life, with reason: The GNOME 3.34 runtime is no longer supported as of 14th August 2020. Please ask your application developer to migrate to a supported platform.
Info: org.gnome.Platform.Locale is end-of-life, with reason: The GNOME 3.34 runtime is no longer supported as of 14th August 2020. Please ask your application developer to migrate to a supported platform.
Nothing to do.

―― 12:34:36 - snap ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
All snaps up to date.

―― 12:34:37 - Firmware upgrades ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
Firmware metadata last refresh: 5 hours ago. Use --force to refresh again.
• ST3000DM001-1E6166 has no available firmware updates
• System Firmware has no available firmware updates
• Unifying Receiver has no available firmware updates
• Viper M.2 VPN100 has no available firmware updates
• WDC WD10EARS-00Y5B1 has no available firmware updates
• WL3000GSA6454 has no available firmware updates
No updatable devices

―― 12:34:37 - Summary ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
System update: OK
yarn: OK
Flatpak: OK
snap: OK
Firmware upgrades: OK
[alienprober@TheMotrhership ~]$


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