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KDE Plasma5 Clipboard search pattern persistence/deletion

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Martin B.
Registered Member

with several KDE Plasma5 versions (openSUSE 15.1, 15.2)
I have an issue with the Systray Clipboard application...

There's a line edit widget to enter a search pattern to
filter out the clipboard history shown.
After I select an entry from these entries and
the clipboard app will automatically fade out
(or if I just close/hide it again), I'd like the
search widget to be cleared automatically.
(This was also the behaviour of e.g. klipper.)
But opening the clipboard systray app again,
the search pattern is still there and consistently
only the filtered entries are shown.

Is there a way to change this behaviour?
(something like a "Clear search panel after hide")
I didn't find anything in the clipboard property settings...

Thank you,


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