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About Sddm

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About Sddm

Tue Nov 10, 2020 12:49 pm
Hello everyone,

I'm using Pop_OS but using KDE plasma with lightdm. I can boot my laptop without any problems. However, I can't change my login screen this way.

So, my question is: Why am I getting a black screen at the login if I choose Sddm as the display manager? If I write my password blindly, it'll login correctly. And if I choose Lightdm instead of Sddm, it will boot correctly.

I'd really want to have Sddm; because there are very nice login screen themes in the system settings. So if there is a way to load Sddm without crushing anything, please lead the way.

Code: Select all
sudo dpkg-reconfigure sddm

This didn't work.
Waiting for your reply,
Thank you.
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Re: About Sddm

Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:08 pm
If I am understanding your comment correctly, you now have both lightdm and sddm installed. However, lightdm is still the default.

You can switch which service is active by using the systemctl command. Since systemctl will make changes to system services, you need to use use sudo when running.

Code: Select all
# disable lightdm

sudo systemctl disable lightdm
# enable sddm
sudo systemctl enable sddm

Then restart. Sddm will not be the default for logins.
Registered Member

Re: About Sddm

Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:52 pm
Hello again,

Thank you very much for your fast reply! :)

Unfortunately, it didn't help. That is correct, I have both lightdm and sddm installed. I followed those 2 steps but I still have a black screen on login screen. I typed my password blindly and logged in again.

I read some posts on the internet, it seems like I have a configuration problem; but I didn't do anything not to crush the system.

Waiting for your reply,
Thanks again.


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