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Application launcher icon location

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Application launcher icon location

Fri Nov 13, 2020 7:23 am
Hi all

I thought I try here since I couldn't get a solution to my issue on OpenSUSE forum. It seemed harder than I thought. I wish to know where the Application launcher icon is located.

I use OpenSUSE 15.2 with KDE plasma 5. I am building a platform to be used for many users. I started with Ubuntu, but then my boss wanted OpenSUSE so things changed.
I am trying now to figure out where things can be changed so it can fit the platform. One of them are the Application launcher icon.

I know here it can be changed manually, but I don't wanna go that path on several hundreds of computers. On OpenSUSE there are two themes that I wanna change them on, breeze and breeze-dark.
I tried to change the file start-here-kde-plasma.svg on several places to see where it was attached, but nothing seemed to work.

When I run command lookandfeeltoool -a org.kde.breezedark.desktop, the icon changes too so that's a problem. I wish I could use that command to set the both themes from the terminal.

I hope any of you can help with this.
Registered Member

The «Application Launcher» Icon defnition itself is in the metadata.desktop:
Code: Select all
grep Icon /usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.kickoff/metadata.desktop

If you want to use a fixed Icon, independend of any theme setting, you could provide an absolute path, e.g. Icon=/usr/share/icons/boss_wants_this_icon.svg

Changing this does not survive updates. Copy the Plasmoid, rename it and set it as default item - or create an «on-update-hook» to track changes of the original plasmoid.
If you have to work with many users and have access to their homedirectory, you could place a custom kickoff to /home/$USER/.local/share/plasma/, see KDE-Techbase - Plasma5 - QML2 - Getting Started
Registered Member
koffeinfriedhof wrote:Hi!

The «Application Launcher» Icon defnition itself is in the metadata.desktop:
Code: Select all
grep Icon /usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.kickoff/metadata.desktop

If you want to use a fixed Icon, independend of any theme setting, you could provide an absolute path, e.g. Icon=/usr/share/icons/boss_wants_this_icon.svg

Changing this does not survive updates. Copy the Plasmoid, rename it and set it as default item - or create an «on-update-hook» to track changes of the original plasmoid.
If you have to work with many users and have access to their homedirectory, you could place a custom kickoff to /home/$USER/.local/share/plasma/, see KDE-Techbase - Plasma5 - QML2 - Getting Started

I checked
Code: Select all
grep Icon /usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.kickoff/metadata.desktop
and it says
Code: Select all

I had tried changing ALL the start-here-kde icons earlier, but it still uses the default icon. I cleared all cache files too under ~/.cache
When I try switching back and forth on breeze och breeze-dark with Plasma style app (and only that, not Global theme app), I get my custom one in right place, BUT after a disappears

I am planning on using a central management system later so I can force it on the computers. I am testing now with the idea that I had earlier of changing just the files themselves to custom ones, but not changing filename. It worked on Ubuntu through updates and they stayed even on major updates.


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