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Questions about KDE Plasma 5.20.3

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Questions about KDE Plasma 5.20.3

Mon Nov 30, 2020 1:47 pm

I've just got the new KDE Plasma, 5.20.3, and I have few things I'd like to change. Mainly, there are many texts added or prolonged that I know I can't change unless a source code is changed (for example "Configure Desktop" is now "Configure Desktop and Wallpaper"), otherwise they'd come back again and again, with every update. But I hope some others could be tuned.
Is it possible to hide the texts of Disks & Deveices applet from a setting? I don't need "Remove All" or "Safely remove" texts, they take place and are useless to me, maybe they should be a hint/tooltip.
What about the Status and Notifications applet, it is big and occupies also too much for me, could that layout be changed through a setting to be a list or icons only?
On top of this, is the network applet broken? It looks dead to me.

Thank you.


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