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20.04: Resume from "Suspend to RAM" and black screen

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Hi there.
Yesterday I upgraded from 18.04 to 20.04 with `do-release-upgrade`. Everything is finally running again - but one thing is really annoying: When I close the laptop lid, the laptop (Lenovo T520) is in "Suspend to RAM" mode, as it should. But if I press the power button again to wake it up, it takes about 53 seconds before the login appears to log in again. In the meantime the screen is black - but I have a mouse pointer. After about 1 minute the background image finally comes back and I can login again .... that was definitely not the case before and I would like to know why?

I logged in to a shell via ssh to see what's going on with journalctl -f. I don't know whether it belongs to this problem, but here's a message with a timeout of 45 seconds:
Code: Select all
NetworkManager[910]: <info>  [1610640625.6099] dhcp4 (enp0s25): activation: beginning transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)

Any ideas what to do?


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