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Broken/deleted Plasma files

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Broken/deleted Plasma files

Tue Mar 02, 2021 1:38 am
I'm planning on reinstalling Kubuntu soon because of a few issues (that I caused) with Plasma. I want to copy over my home folder to the new installation so my data and settings transfer over, but I've also realized that the broken/deleted Plasma files could be put on the new installation and I want to prevent that. How would I transfer my home folder over to the new installation without bringing over the broken/deleted Plasma files that could cause Plasma to act up again?

What I did wrong
I upgraded to Kubuntu 20.10 from 20.04 LTS to get a more recent version of Plasma. Apparently, something went wrong during the upgrade so my friend gave me a script to reset my user config. I ran the script and after a few days, Plasma started acting up. I couldn't type in some apps (like Konsole and even the application launcher) and the audio didn't work.

My friend's script
Code: Select all
rm ~/winehq.key
rm ~/.Xauthority
rm ~/.gtkrc-2.0
rm ~/.xsession-errors
rm -r ~/.cache/*
rm ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel
rm ~/.local/share/user-places.xbel
rm ~/.local/share/user-places.xbel.bak
rm ~/.local/share/user-places.xbel.tbcache
rm -r ~/.kde
rm -r ~/.config/
rm -r ~/.config/gtk-3.0
rm -r ~/.config/gtk-4.0
rm -r ~/.config/dconf
rm -r ~/.config/xsettingsd
rm -r ~/.config/session
rm ~/.config/user-dirs.*
rm ~/.config/plasma*
rm ~/.config/kwin*
rm ~/.config/kxkbrc
rm ~/.config/krunnerrc
rm ~/.config/kscreenlockerrc
rm ~/.config/ksmserverrc
rm ~/.config/baloo*
rm ~/.config/discoverrc
rm -r ~/.local/share/discover
rm ~/.config/gtkrc*
rm ~/.config/kmixrc
rm ~/.config/kiorc
rm ~/.config/kcminputrc
rm ~/.config/kded5rc
rm ~/.config/kconf_updaterc
rm ~/.config/kdeglobals
rm ~/.config/kfontinstuirc
rm ~/.config/kglobalshortcutsrc
rm ~/.config/khotkeysrc
rm ~/.config/xdg-desktop-portal-kderc
rm ~/.config/Trolltech.conf
rm -r ~/.gconf
dconf reset -f /


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