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Application launcher - search result loses focus

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this is my first post here, I hope I'm in the right place.
I'm loving KDE so far with its immense customization, but there is a minor annoyance that I couldn't fix/tweak.

I'm used to launch apps by pressing Meta + start typing (e.g. Meta + type "Kate") + Enter.

Problem is that, depending on the position of the mouse cursor, the search result might not be focused anymore, because while I type and the search results are refined, the cursor briefly highlights another match that instantly disappear when I type more letters. The result is that the other match, which is not visible anymore, kind of "steals" the focus, and so when my Kate search result is shown first, pressing Enter is not enough to open it.

Here you can find a short screen recording to illustrate the problem: ... p=drivesdk

Is there any way to fix this? Like maybe ALWAYS highlight the first match, irrespective of the mouse position, and only change that selection if a mouse movement is detected?

Thanks in advance.

KDE Plasma Version: 5.19.5
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.74.0
(Kubuntu 20.04)


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