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Klipper randomly not working

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Klipper randomly not working

Wed Oct 13, 2021 4:02 pm
Hi everyone,

Since my complete setup a month ago, I've been through multiple issues using kde's clipboard manager :
It randomly copy empty text instead of the text asked
It randomly paste previous text rather than the one I've just copied
It don't copy/paste properly images times to times. Sometimes it leaves a white line in clipboard manager, sometimes the images but can't be printed, sometimes nothing at all

Code: Select all
klipper --version
klipper 5.22.5

I've searched online, and almost all answers presumes to "Ignore selection" or "prevent empty keyboard" under the configure tab of "Selection and Clipboard" and "General Configuration", so I did, and same issue over time for both options seperately and both at same time.

So I installed another clipboard manager, CopyQ, and here then copy/paste images using this cliboard works, but when I get empty text into klipper's keyboard manager, I have nothing into copyQ. So I assume it is somtething more deep that can cause thoses issues.

Any Ideas on how to fix it ?
Registered Member

Re: Klipper randomly not working

Thu Oct 14, 2021 3:00 pm
I do not believe that Klipper supports M205 - you probably need to change the "Printer type" in your slicer. Recommendations for this are in the documentation.
Unfortunately your klippy.log doesn't contain any of the previous printing information before a restart. It seems like the MCU has "gone away" as Klipper cannot connect to it at all.


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