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Restrict tablet input to one monitor or application

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I have a setup with two monitors and a USB drawing tablet that I find useful for taking notes during meetings. My ideal is to have videoconferencing software maximized on one monitor and Xournal++ open on the other. By default, the left half of the tablet corresponds to the notes monitor and the right half corresponds to the meeting monitor. To make writing easier, I remap it so that tablet's entire area is bound to the notes monitor. With Xorg, this is done with

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xinput map-to-output $tablet device name$ $monitor name$

I'm trying to ditch Xorg entirely for Wayland, and I'll need something to replace xinput map-to-output with. I've heard that there's a way to do this in a settings GUI in GNOME and with sway. Is there a similar option in a settings menu in Plasma 5? If not, is there a function for the Plasma Wayland compositor to do what I need?



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