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windows-like positioning of launched pinned apps in taskbar

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Hi everyone,
there is a nice behaviour from Windows which I would like to see in KDE and haven't been able to find out how so maybe someone knows a tip.

If you launch a pinned app on Windows, the pinned icon will expand but will not display a new app at the rear of the app stack.
imagine you have pinned down your Browser, Text editor and Gimp. On windows, if you click on the Browser, the taskbar won't add another icon at the end, (browser, text, gimp, browser) but will ismply expand the Browser icon. (browser, editor, gimp)

If i pin an app to KDE taskbar and then click on it, it acts as a shortcut and just adds the window at the end.
I wanted to provide an image, but canot find yet a way of uploading it :)
Thanks everyone for a tip. :)))))


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