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Plasma 5.23 -4-1 on Manjaro extremely unresponsive

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I am using Plasma 5.

Code: Select all
[monsoonbreak@glassplanet ~]$ pacman -Q plasma-desktop
plasma-desktop 5.23.4-1

This is my linux :

Code: Select all
[monsoonbreak@glassplanet ~]$ uname -a
Linux glassplanet 5.15.6-2-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Dec 4 11:11:58 UTC 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux

But, after booting, the desktop remains black. Sometimes it would launch the desktop wallpaper. But destop icons, right click context menu and task bar wont be rendered.

So I use the brute force method :

Code: Select all
rm -Rf .config/kde*
rm -Rf .config/KDE*
rm -Rf .config/plasma*
killall plasmashell && kstart5 plasmashell

This launches the default plasma with no modifications. Please note, if I do not use the `rm` commands, it won't make any difference.

1. Now after this brute force relaunch, if i try to click on the start menu, the entire desktop freezes again.

2. If I do not click on the start menu, instead modify the task bar to auto hide - then I will not be able to get it back by holding my mouse pointed at the edge of the monitor. A translucent silhouette would appear, but then again desktop icons and right click context menu are gone.

For both cases, the only way to restart is again to use the `rm` commands, then kill and restart plasmashell. If I just restart plasma without the delete commands - plasma restarts, and again shows a translucent silhouette - but never finishes rendering the taskbar.

3. If I move the taskbar to any other side of the screen, but do not hide, or do not click on the start menu, it works. But If I then reboot the computer, I will again have the initial problem of only the wall paper being rendered any nothing else.

All of his is using the default icon pack and theme for kde5 , Breeze.

Has anyone else got a similar issue?

I am running on intel graphics, on Manjaro linux.

Thank you.
Registered Member
Did you try to make new account and see if same issue appears there as well? Did you possibly delete some packages lately?
Registered Member
tia3100 wrote:Did you try to make new account and see if same issue appears there as well? Did you possibly delete some packages lately?

Did I possibly delete some packages? No. I cleared the ~/.cache completely

New user indeed doesn't have these issues.

How do I resolve it?

Copy ~/.config/kde* from the new user to mine? thanks
Registered Member
You can try to copy all of KDE configuration files and hope for best. Considering that it is working well on new user means that issue is in configuration files. I have had issues with configuration files before, and deleting managed to fix them somewhat. Would be nice if KDE had tool to handle configuration files, and help user easily revert/delete them.

If you can't fix your current user, sadly I think easiest solution would be to just move all your files to new user.


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