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KDE Wallet behavior dependent on X11/Wayland?

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I installed KDE this week to try it out (previously vanilla Gnome 3). I had the Nextcloud client installed and working before trying KDE. When I login with Wayland, Nextcloud works fine. But when I login with X11, the KDE Wallet Service continuously prompts me for a password, and Nextcloud won't sync until I provide it.

Since I'm new to KDE, this just makes no sense. The KDE Wallet seems to be some personal password manager... why would Nextcloud need that at all? Why would the wallet behave differently on X11 vs. Wayland? I read somewhere online that the KDE Wallet should unlock itself automatically when you login if the passwords are set the same, but that's not happening. I tried disabling the wallet in the global settings, but that had no effect (the wallet still launched on login, and still prompted for a password).

Does anyone have a suggestion how to fix or workaround this?


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