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Most applications missing main menu toolbar.

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I'm new to this site and am unsure if this is the correct location with which to ask the below. If another location would be more appropriate please let me know and I will adjust. Thank you.

It seems that most of my applications no longer have their "Main Toolbar". Best definition I have of "Main Toolbar" is what is usually the top most menu bar "Within the application itself", IE... FILE, EDIT, VIEW, etc.....

I know the issue lies with parameters defined for my specific user on the system and not for other user accounts. Which means I can get the the toolbar menus back most likely by removing the contents of my .config directory. However I would like to avoid that solution and instead identify specifically what mechanism/variables/? can do this and how to correct the issue more pointedly. I am curious on how it works.... and I'm basically a lazy person who really likes all the widets, plasmoids, etc... KDE allows and would like to avoid redoing it all :-)

The closest I've come thus far is to note a a common variable, and value, in the applications .config/"appname"rc file named "Menubar=Disabled". It is only a guess which likely has nothing to do with my issue but I do not seem to be able to test since setting the value to "Enabled" does has not been persistent. Whenever I change the value in the file the value has returned to it's previous value of "Disabled" when the application is next run.

Any hints of possible courses of action or applicable reference material would be very appreciated. My system specifications/versions are as follows:

Linux HOSTNAME 5.9.16-1-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Dec 21 22:00:46 UTC 2020 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Description: Manjaro Linux
Release: 21.2.3
KDE, plasmashell 5.23.5
Qt: 5.15.2
KDE Frameworks: 5.91.0
kf5-config: 1.0

Thank you


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