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Incorrect context menu on panel

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Incorrect context menu on panel

Mon Mar 07, 2022 6:17 pm
I haven't been able to find other people with this issue, so I have no idea where to start to fix this.

Often, I go to right click on an app on my bottom panel, or on an icon in my tray (like volume) and the incorrect context menu opens, and not where I clicked. For example, I'll right click on the volume icon to configure audio, but the menu for an app I recently right clicked on opens again, sometimes even above that app instead of where I clicked. It doesn't always do this, but it's often enough to be very frustrating. How would I go about troubleshooting this bug?

Here's a screen recording of it happening:

Edit: usually, right clicking in the same spot a few times will get it to reset, but the problem usually comes back pretty quickly.


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