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Pin Google Chrome profile shortcut to task bar

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System Configuration
Kubuntu 20.04
KDE Plasma 5.18.8
Linux kernel 5.4.0-105-generic

I used KDE Menu Editor to create separate shortcuts to open three different Google Chrome profiles (i will refer to them as Work, University, and Home). I then added these shortcuts to my Application Launcher favourites so that they appear in three different Plasma Activities, one for each of Work, University, and Home. This all works fine.

I want to pin the Google Chrome shortcuts to the Task Manager in each of the Plasma Activities, so that I can open the correct profile quicker while I am in a specific activity.

I can pin the shortcuts to the Task Manager, but when I click on it, it does not open the intended profile. Rather, it opens Google Chrome's profile selector window that asks me "Who's using Chrome?"

Please help me find a way to pin the Google Chrome shortcuts to my Task Manager in the different activities so that they open the intended Google Chrome profiles.

Many thanks for your help.


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