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One specific .desktop file always opens in text editor

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I was editing a desktop entry file with KWrite, and now somehow that specific desktop file has become permanently associated with KWrite, and it always opens in the editor when I double-click it or run it with xdg-open.

I have another desktop entry file right next to it on my Desktop, and that one actually runs the program when I double click it.

How did I manage to associate this one particular desktop entry file with KWrite, and how do I un-associate it? I think it happened after I used the right-click menu and clicked "Open with KWrite", not realizing that it would permanently change something.

I don't see an entry for this file in $XDG_DATA_HOME/applications/mimeapps.cache, and I don't know where else such associations are stored.

I have seen How do I unset default to open .desktop in a text editor?, but that doesn't solve my problem. I already have the "execute" setting in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/kiorc, so that isn't the problem in my case. The problem appears to be that xdg-open itself has somehow stored the wrong association for this one particular file.

I also ran `xdg-mime query filetype TheProblematicFile.desktop`, and it correctly reported the MIME type as application/x-desktop.


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