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Latte Panel always comes up as right justified widgets

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Greetings all,

This was an issue I had with my Arch box and was present in Plasma 5.24 and in 5.25.

I installed the git version of Latte. I have no problem creating a dock and that is working just fine. I create a new panel on the top of the screen on my laptop and add the following widgets.
Left side
- Application Name Mac Style
- Global Menu
- Better Inline Clock
Right side
- System Tray

There is peace in the world angels sing from on high and everything is just fine. EXCEPT when I log out or reboot, all of the panel widgets move over to the right side of the panel. I have to move the Left and Middle widgets back every single time. This happens under X as well as wayland.

My google foo has failed me and I'm not able to find out what to do with this. I have also dug into the profiles as they are text and editable via nano or kwrite, but it is something I've never looked at before so it's a tad foreign to me.

Any assistance or pointers would be most appreciated.


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