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KDE Menu not saving changes! [Help]

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KDE Menu not saving changes! [Help]

Sun Jul 03, 2022 6:38 am
I'm loving KDE, but unfortunately the KDE Menu Editor isn't saving changes. I'm opening it up, making changes - adding Icons & descriptions etc. hitting save. But when I check, nothing has changed, and when I reopen KDE Menu Editor, no changes persisted.

I'm running Qubes OS, and when I run it from the terminal, I get this:

Code: Select all
$ kmenuedit
qt.svg: link #facesize is undefined!
qt.svg: link #facesize is undefined!
qt.svg: link #facesize is undefined!
qt.svg: link #facesize is undefined!
qt.svg: /usr/share/icons/breeze/apps/48/rocs.svg:5099: Could not resolve property: #linearGradient4636
qt.svg: /usr/share/icons/breeze/apps/48/rocs.svg:5099: Could not resolve property: #linearGradient4592
qt.svg: /usr/share/icons/breeze/apps/48/rocs.svg:5099: Could not resolve property: #linearGradient4247
qt.svg: QSvgHandler: Image filename is empty
kbuildsycoca4 running...
kbuildsycoca4(12970)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file  "/home/User/.local/share/applications/Testing.desktop"  has Type= "Application"  but no Exec line

kbuildsycoca4(12970) KBuildServiceFactory::createEntry: Invalid Service :  "/home/User/.local/share/applications/Testing.desktop"
kbuildsycoca4(12970)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file  "/home/User/.local/share/applications/Test1.desktop"  has Type= "Application"  but no Exec line

kbuildsycoca4(12970) KBuildServiceFactory::createEntry: Invalid Service :  "/home/User/.local/share/applications/Test1.desktop"
kbuildsycoca4(12970)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file  "/home/User/.local/share/applications/test2.desktop"  has Type= "Application"  but no Exec line

kbuildsycoca4(12970) KBuildServiceFactory::createEntry: Invalid Service :  "/home/User/.local/share/applications/test2.desktop"

I've tried to run kbuildsyscoca4 --noincremental

Any idea what the issue is here?


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