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Plasma 5.25: How to enable accent color for toolbar?

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While waiting for Manjaro to finally update to Plasma 5.25 so I can try out all the sweet new features, I figured I'd ask a question about something I can't find an answer to regarding the latest changes to accent colors, which are by far what I've been eagerly waiting for ever since they were announced.

This official image and showcase video suggest you should be able to colorize not just the titlebar, but also the area under it where many applications typically place extra buttons and the search bar and so on. However I've never seen anyone explain how to enable this with the Breeze theme: Color schemes seem to add two new checkboxes to use the accent color for the active and inactive titlebar, but what will you do if you want this specific appearance with the effect applied to the toolbar as well?

In addition I wanted to know if wallpaper based accent and toolbar colors will work in all applications, including Firefox which uses the system selection color for some website elements. I ask because in Plasma 5.24 and prior, all changes to the color scheme including accent colors are sometimes not applied in realtime: They're instantly applied in all QT applications, but everything GTK requires a restart of the program to detect changes to system color settings. Thus I worry FF will only detect the color when I start it up but never update it with the wallpaper which I configured to change hourly. If this issue persists in 5.25 I may open a bug report about it; I'm hopeful an issue this obvious has been picked on and Firefox will work with accent colors based on wallpaper slideshow, but if anyone's already on 5.25 feel free to let me know what your results are.


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