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"Apply Plasma settings" in SDDM made login screen look weird

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Hello everyone!

I recenty installed Endeavour OS along with KDE Plasma on my PC. As I was exploring the options that it gave me and customizing it to my liking, I went into the SDDM configuration screen and I tried the "Apply Plasma Settings" button on my currently selected SDDM theme, to see what the result was.
It matched my background and stuff and allegedly the color themes should match (did not change much since I had recently installed everything). But I noticed something weird in the password field and nerby:


As one can see the button (that should look like a >) is now just white. It's not shown in the picture, but additionally, when you type the password the white dots are now greyed-out, so that you can barely distinguish them.

Is there any way I can revert this? I have no idea how to recover initial settings for the sddm theme.

Thanks everyone for your help beforehand!


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