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copyq icon tray missing after update to 22.04

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If I start copyq from KDE menu (or from terminal with copyq --start-server) the app start and tray icon is ok.
But I used a root script (to sync my files) with these code

Code: Select all
sudo -u duns env QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb copyq exit
at the beginning, and
Code: Select all
sudo -u duns env QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb copyq &
after syncing my files (to a pen-drive).

This second code doesn't work any more: I mean copyq (as server) start, but without icon tray.

I have added "export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=KDE" and "export KDE_FULL_SESSION=true" to .bashrc: nothing to do. And many other attempts.
I guess that the problem is the environment and the mix between sudo and not-sudo command in my script.

More details in a thread on [url=""]italian Ububtu forum[/url].

Any idea?


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