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Application icons not displayed on systray

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The icons of applications that should normally be shown on the systray are missing.

Non-free applications such as skype or zoom fail to display a systray icon without producing any warning that i can see.

When i log on to the KDE session, kmix is running but its icon is also missing from the systray:
Code: Select all
 % ps x | grep kmix
 3662 ?        S      0:00 /usr/bin/kmixctrl --restore
 4006 ?        Sl     0:00 /usr/bin/kmix --keepvisibility

This is what happens when i kill and restart it:
Code: Select all
% kill -QUIT 3662 4006
% ps x | grep kmix
% kmix
percent 5 -> divisor 20
org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
org.kde.kmix: no mix devices and not dynamic
org.kde.kmix: Cannot load profile "PulseAudio.Playback_Devices.1.default"
org.kde.kmix: Cannot load profile "PulseAudio.Capture_Devices.1.default"
org.kde.kmix: Cannot load profile "PulseAudio.Playback_Streams.1.default"
org.kde.kmix: Cannot load profile "PulseAudio.Capture_Streams.1.default"
org.kde.kmix: Cannot load profile "PulseAudio.Playback_Devices.1.default"
org.kde.kmix: Cannot load profile "PulseAudio.Capture_Devices.1.default"
org.kde.kmix: Cannot load profile "PulseAudio.Playback_Streams.1.default"
org.kde.kmix: Cannot load profile "PulseAudio.Capture_Streams.1.default"
kf.notifications: env says KDE is running but SNI unavailable -- check KDE_FULL_SESSION and XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP

<kmix hangs at this point, there is no output for several minutes, and no icon on systray>

% ps x | grep pulse
 4570 ?        Sl     0:00 pulseaudio -D
 4574 ?        Sl     0:00 /usr/libexec/pulse/gsettings-helper



% ps x|grep kmix

Thanks in advance for any pointer.


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