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Plasmoid development getting started

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Hey there,
I am currently trying to develop a plasmoid which can display the charge status of my wireless headphones. I already got a pythonscript which successfully crawles the data and I created a simple qml plasmoid with option to display a percentage. Now I have the Question: what the best way is to get the data from the python thing to the qml plasmoid? I thought about dbus or a json file or is there some better way?

I am not that familiar with cmake, c++ and qt so I need help with the basics. When I want to add c++ functions that are usable, it seems like I have to somehow import it in the qml but is that possible without creating and building a library? Or is it possible to do everything for receiving data from my pythonscript in qml?
I didn't find helpful things while googleing. So I think, I need some basic introduction or examples :)


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