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How to debug freezes and broken display configs

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Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS is currently my main system but I want to switch to KDE, mainly for the applications! I have installed kubuntu-desktop. I really love the KDE programs so far and would like to fully switch to a KDE distribution but I still have some issues and don't know how to track them down. I hope someone can help me with that, so maybe I can contribute something back!

1. Issue
After disconnecting from a dock and reconnecting the Displays are somehow broken ??? . Most prominent issue is that one or more monitors stays dark, but are "accessible" with the mouse. If I click and drag on the dark monitor sometimes things get partially visible (sometimes disappear again). Same effect seems to occur when the mouse hits the corner of the screen, maybe because of the screen edge effects? Unticking and ticking "Enabled" for the Monitors in the Systems Settings does not fix it.

Stopping sddm, deleting
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and restarting sddm fixes the issue.

2. Issue
Complete freeze of the Desktop except for the mouse. I tried
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killall plasmashell && kstart5 plasmashell
from another tty but it does not fix it.

Restarting sddm fixes the issue.

I studied some log files but could not find anything suspicious. Since restarting sddm is killing the current session this is really annoying for the workflow, that's why I have switched back to normal Ubuntu for now. But since I have some time to spear in the next days I'd like to try it again and try to find out what causes the faults.


    Can or should I enable some more verbose Logging before? If so, how and for what?
    What can I try when the Issues occurs before restarting sddm? Restarting something else than plasmashell? Also is it correct how I have done it?
    Is there a way to keep the current session alive an restarting sddm?
    What can I check after the issues occured, where to report my findings?

Thanks for your patience!


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