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Plasma default config

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Plasma default config

Wed Aug 26, 2015 2:28 pm
Here we will share ideas and proposals for Plasma Mobile default configuration. If an idea becomes important we will make its own thread ;)

Please, notice that the Plasma Mobile have 4 main topics:

Plasma Desktop is an highly configurable desktop environment. It provides by default a
simple configuration with a bottom panel, a task manager, a start menu and a sys-tray
area. Thanks to this default configuration it's easy for Windows user to switch to
Plasma. But user can configure Plasma a lot: for example he could add a panel on the
top with app-menu like OS X. Or he could add a left-side panel with an icon-only task
manager like Ubuntu Unity's one.
The mobile world have develop its own interaction language: Android have a well-known
UI/UX and Google stress a lot its importance with Material Design. But there are also
other actors: Jolla Sailfish OS and Windows Phone for example provide their own
original UI/UX.
Plasma Mobile should have the same role of Plasma Desktop in PC's world: it should
have by default a well-know behavior, so who knows Android does not have problems
using Plasma Mobile as Windows users with default Plasma Desktop. But Plasma
Mobile should also been highly configurable so that the user can recreate (partially or
totally) Sailfish OS or Windows Phone experience on his/her device.

So, let's discuss about the most intuitive default UI/UX! ;D


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