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Accessibility for the blind

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Accessibility for the blind

Tue Oct 02, 2018 2:43 pm
Hello everyone !

I find this project great, KDE with its Plasma widgets can be adapted to lot of form factors. Can we make Plasma Mobile accessible for the blind ?

I'm sharing my life with a blind woman and I'm looking for a way to replace her old and costly laptop (HIMS BrailleSense U2). I discovered another world, a difficult word for those not seeing. I found that a lot of softwares are not accessible, or worse only half of the UI is accessible. Working as a Linux engineer, I'm naturally going with Linux. When I see Plasma Mobile, I think there is a way to make it accessible.

Android has TalkBack, iOS has VoiceOver. They are using swipe gestures to navigate, and VoiceOver (I don't know for TalkBack) can connect to a Braille display over Bluetooth. Also, VoiceOver allows a sort-of Perkins keyboard to be used to type Braille letters.

I know Linux has Orca, which is a good (only ?) basis for any project for the accessibility. Maybe we can add a few tools to Plasma Mobile like :
- a software creating an overlay, allowing with swipe gestures to navigate between GUI items ( and maybe a Perkins keyboard ?)
- an easy way to connect a Braille display over Bluetooth or USB

These are my ideas quickly written down. Is it technically feasible ?

I'm offering my little knowledge coding with C++/Qt and QtQuick. I wrote Plume Creator a long time ago, which is being rewritten in QML. I have little knowledge of the KDE ways, but I can learn.



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