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probs on the nexus 5 with ./pm-flash and ./pm-flash -p arch

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what I get:

Code: Select all
./rootstock-touch-install /home/miranda/Downloads/pm-flashtool/cache/rootfs/pm-rootfs-20171005-145555.tar.gz cache/hammerhead/latest/system.img cache/hammerhead/latest/boot.img
mount: mounting /dev/block/mmcblk0p27 on /cache failed: Device or resource busy
mount: mounting /dev/block/mmcblk0p28 on /data failed: Invalid argument
transfering rootfs tarball ... [done]

it's an old problem I guess, but I think Oxygen OS instead of a Xiaomi device and Neon on the Nexus 5 would be a great idea. I tried several ways to solve it - the best was to uncompress the rootfs but hanging on the system.img --- TWRP flash doesn't let you install the system.img but the boot and Viper OS or Lineage OS (17.1!!!) isn't a good way for such an old LG device. I manually formated the /cache via fastboot but formating the data failed. It's
fastboot erase BTW not fastboot format like it is writen on the official installer manual.

Any ideas what to do?


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