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it is possible to get this on an Asus ze551ml ?

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as far as i can tell,this phone have an intel cpu,a x86 platform,can it be more easier to make it possible for it to put this kde plasma rom ?
Registered Member
I'm on the same question. I have this phone too. ;D

Anyway, these has a x86-64 processor (and not just x86 as you said). Once these is compatible with 64 bit instructions this ISO may work with. But I'm very afraid about it, if you has a unlocked boot loader it's should boot, but install could not be a good ideia... and once this version (i think) is make to run on PCs, we will need a OTG Cable to plug in a bootable pen drive, and functions like call and sms might not work propriety, unless it's at kernel or already included at this ISO.

Any guinea pig? o)
Registered Member
yes,you are right,it is an x86_64 and is not just that,the linux image that can run on it is i686,u can see that in some busybox,yes,i do have the bootloader unlocked from very long time,since the first MM beta came out and i want it,after that i just root the phone and is how i have it today too,but oh yes,having this linux on my phone,for me,will be better than android,as i can see from the video it looks even better than android,it is true that is at the begining,but it has a very nice future,as gnu/linux ,,for sure in a few years from now,android will be exactly as windows today,a memory of the good times playing, nothing more,gnu/linux is the future,the open-source is the future,enough with all this stupids pay per product,it's enough that we pay lot of money on devices,the rest should be free,free to change everything of every1 and share with every1 freely,and hopefully in the future a rooted phone it wont be anymore discoution for a lost waranty :),ik that android is still a gnu/linux,but with a face that i really don't like it,is like smiling on ur face and stub u in the back when ur not looking :)
Registered Member
oh and trut me,this device that we have willrun ubuntu kde plasma much better than an arm cpu device,not to mention that we won't have to wait for those lazy ppl from Asus to bring us updates at all and we can be sure that we can tell them BYE-Bye for ever,getting updates more than Asus give us (that is as weall never,this scpu at 2.4 ghz will run like very good new oiled engine under ubuntu,not many arm cpus can say the same,i will be that testing pig,but not now,i need a few days free and to have my gf close (i only get calls from her) so you understand why :)
Registered Member
but i have to ask 1 thing,how to make it dual boot ? you know,just in case...
Registered Member
mariusapo wrote:[...] But it has a very nice future,as gnu/linux ,,for sure in a few years from now,android will be exactly as windows today,a memory of the good times playing, nothing more,gnu/linux is the future,the open-source is the future,enough with all this stupids pay per product,it's enough that we pay lot of money on devices,the rest should be free,free to change everything of every1 and share with every1 freely,and hopefully in the future a rooted phone it wont be anymore discoution for a lost waranty :),ik that android is still a gnu/linux,but with a face that i really don't like it,is like smiling on ur face and stub u in the back when ur not looking :)

I agree with you. My only afraid about it is the app compatible, I wonder if it has some compatible with usual apps like WhatsApp and Facebook. If yes, I could turn it my main system without problem.

mariusapo wrote:oh and trut me,this device that we have willrun ubuntu kde plasma much better than an arm cpu device,not to mention that we won't have to wait for those lazy ppl from Asus to bring us updates at all and we can be sure that we can tell them BYE-Bye for ever,getting updates more than Asus give us (that is as weall never,this scpu at 2.4 ghz will run like very good new oiled engine under ubuntu,not many arm cpus can say the same,i will be that testing pig,but not now,i need a few days free and to have my gf close (i only get calls from her) so you understand why

Yes, has a real linux on smartphone and not depend of Asus for updates is a dream. About the performance, In this case (plasma) I'm sure about it, but I'm not so sure about ubuntu phone. This plasma project seems a linux distro ported to smartphones with a graphics interface made with smaller touch screen in mind, so all thinks should work better in our cpu.
But ubuntu phone seems a OS all make to work in smartphones, if it's the case, all thinks were made to arm (once it's linux, will work anyway, but not better). I hope i'm mistaken about it. :P
And yeah, yeah, I understand you about your girl. Good look with it. ;)

mariusapo wrote:But i have to ask 1 thing,how to make it dual boot ? you know,just in case...

I don't have any ideia. But I researched it for you:
For Nexus 5 the plasma team recommend the "MultiROM Manager" app. (see at I'ts probably not work with our Asus/plasma, once this is a ISO and not a ROM exactly.
Your best shot is in XDA forum, I spot this project: You can ask for the developer about plasma support, or just create a new thread asking about it (in
Alternatively, you can try use the grub for itself to make a dualboot. I don't have any ideia about how to boot a andoid system with grub, you can try find something in android x86 project (see at

Good luck, I'm uneasy with your tests. :)
Registered Member
well i will give it a try, i did looked a bit on how to actually install the thing, i didn't saw any info on that, the thing with the iso burned on a stick is gd if it was for a pc, i dunno if i should try the nexus 5 on cm installation info, about just have the commands in a terminal and just let the dam thing download and install on it's own, but again, should i actually do the clean cache and the other be4 all that? gosh i wish that they would provide some insight into how to install it
Registered Member
well rafael,u gaved me a gd idea with that multiboot,i don't have to try to install the iso at all,as i said,it is impossible to do that on a phone,a phone don't have a boot as a pc have,so it is impossible as far as i know to boot from another thing with a phone than what is on the inside drive of the phone,but i can install in the second rom the cm for our phone,it is a cm nightly that is updated,but i am not interested in it as i never liked cm,but having that second rom,there i can try to install the linux from a terminal as they say in the nexus 5 installation over cm,ok,i will try that tonight,if and only if that multiboot is workin on stock rom,i will keep all updated,even tho would be much more interesting for the kde comunity to bring this phone in the list of suported phones,it does have many in comun with nexus 5x,i think,never checked that as i actually never liked nexus
Registered Member
oh boy,making that multiboot to work on this device is a pain in the back,i am trying for the 10th time to make it work and no success,i wander why some info of how to are so poorly made that not every1 can fallow them ?,so the patch the primary rom is it means that i have to patch the original rom and to just flash it again trhu the multiboot app ? i hope 1 day some1 will actually do a how to writing step by step,now many do that like explaining some usual stuff to advance users,jeez
Registered Member
sorry guys,but that apk multiboot is not working,that title in the xdaforum is misleading,is not meant for our phone,at least is not on mine that is on stock rom,maybe it works on cm rom,but i will never going to install again a cm rom on my phone,that apk is keep telling me that is no bootui on my device and even after aplying that kernel it keeps saying the same thing,even in the rom in options is saying that mbtool is not installed on my device even if i update the vram,so no,on my phone is not working,every time i reboot after installing,i only get in TWRP,installing that zip file is no good eaiter coz is not installing either,so,good things happen when you had a backup and can restore the phone working hihihihi,so...i guess that i still have to try installing plasma mobile i said,not yet,but will do,sorry folks
Registered Member
sorry m8s,i've tryed,but is not possible to install it on our device,i did try from fastboot too,but it seems that it looks for the device name and is not part of their repo,so i can't test it if i can't install it,and about the iso file,i have no idea how to mount a stick iso connected thru utg and make the phone boot from there,well,i guess that we have to wait for them to make it possible or some1 to ask them to make it possible for us to test it on this device,but by the looks of it,no1 from the project is lookin thru this forum and have a saying about it...
Registered Member
hmmm,i had another idea,after i took the page for nexus5 info,i downloaded those files and when it got to the moment of wait for device i just stoped without connecting my device at all,as i've tryed be4 to go ahead with it and it was trying to install a twrp for the nexus phone,i just took a break and look at the file that comands to do so,so i got inthis place ~/youruser name/pm-flashtool/ directory and i looked at the file called flash-plasma-phone and i found that it was downloading the twrp for nexus and flashing that twrp,so,i changed those lines,under the #twrp recovery line i deleted the part of the htttp and put another 1 for our twrp for z00a ,i mean this line "" without the comas,that 1 is for this phone and i went a lil more down and changed 2 more lines,in the function ,flashing recovery ,where it say fastboot flash recovery $cachdir/ and i paste the name of our twrp img and again just under that where it say fastboot boot,i didn't got much farther than that,but i think we should delete a line too,the getvar product,as the flash probably is not goin to go coz in the repo is no name for our device,there r just2 phones names,i think,but u can try it out,remember,this is just to flash it only over cyanogenmod custom roms which i don't have and never will,i hate that especially that always come with same bugs that never will be fixed coz of the stupid laws with property files,they should change that law and let devs really get them and make all as it should be,anyway,i hope some1 will try this out,if they have nothing else to do and have a whole day to test it out,if is anything else to be changed in those files in that cachdir,make it so and come again saying what did u changed and how it works,i will look into the part with the iso,has to be a way to install that on a phone,somehow chereeo
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Four years passed since the last topic....
Is it someone has any success to install ISO image of Neon on intel phones such as Asus Zenfone Zoom ZX551ML or any similar with intel inside? Any step by step guidance?


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