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Nexus 5x with Plasma Mobile on KDE Neon

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I am a linux-enthusiast and i realy would like to have a linux distro on my phone. Now i got a little success, i got a "working" Nexus 5x with Plasma Mobile on KDE Neon. It was a lot of fiddeling to get this done. Its not a 100% working phone, but its more than i succeded anytime before. There is one thing i am stuck at the moment. The first thing to do on a fresh linux install for me is to do the updates, but when i do this on my nexus device, the phone gets visualy stuck on the google boot logo. With a usb-connection i am able to logon on the phablet from my linux host pc, doing updates, connect wifi and some more, but the grafical UI session does not show up on the phone anymore. Its impressive to see a linux phone system live on my display though.


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