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Just downloaded krita question

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Just downloaded krita question

Fri Sep 15, 2017 11:07 pm
Hi! I'm kinda new to digital art and downloaded krita cause Art Rage Lite was glitching. I have a lot more work/stuff colored in than what it is saving, then it doesnt want to export the whole image file.
So, the interface is different for me and stuff.

I was wondering- is there like a 'smoothed inking' or stability feature? Like brush/ink/pencil strokes are smoothed out after?
Also- layers. There was like an option to have layers not mix on art rage lite, not called multiply but like 'shadow' or something.. so lines wouldnt be erased by other lines. What's this on Krita?
Oh I found it, it's stabilizer.. layers are still confusing XD

Trying to get better haha.


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