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C++ register hotkeys with kde so they appear in Settings

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Hi everyone,
I am pretty new to developing for kde. I want to build a tool written in C++ that exposes several functions to Jason Turners chaiscript and executes the function if a hotkey is pressed.
It should run in background without an own window and I would target kde 5 since this is what I use.

I want the settings for the hotkeys integrated into the system settings hotkey page of kde if this isn't too complicated to acomplish.
Imagine something similar to AutoHotkey but maybe less powerfull and with a nicer syntax. I wanted to have something like:
  • upon program startup it reads a config file with some general settings and a list of chaiscript files where your scripts are located or something.
  • It registers its hotkeys to wherever they have to be registerd in kde if they are enabled.
  • If one of the hotkeys is pressed the corresponding chaiscript function is called by my tool.

Is this even possible? Or so much work that this is utopic?
And if something like this is possible where could is start and at which part of the documentation should I look to?

Thanks in advance :-)


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