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baloosearch content indexing multiple words fuzzy/proximity

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I have read in the wiki that baloo supports content indexing and looked my way through the code that it also supports query operators.

Going through tests and examples in files .cpp, I figured out that to search two consecutive words in the contents of files I can concatenate with underscore "_" or "+"

Code: Select all
baloosearch 'mkfs+-t+ext4'

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I have seen the examples in the test for the "phrase search" with quotation marks, but they do not seem to work for me

Code: Select all
baloosearch '"recording rule"'

It returns all indexed contents with both words included, no specific order

Code: Select all
baloosearch 'recording_rules'

It returns books on Prometheus functionality with the name in the enforced order

I would like to ask if there is a way to do fuzzy search by proximity, maybe there is some kind of token that could be used for a word or some operator for distance between results

To search for

"lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

Code: Select all
baloosearch 'lorem %w dolor %w amet'

Code: Select all
baloosearch '(lorem AND dolor){1,2} AND (dolor AND amet){1,2}'

Thank you in advance for your help


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