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akonaditest ignores KDEHOME in config

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Dear all,

I am playing around with writing Akonadi resources. I made a simple example following the tutorial[1], and I would like to test it using the Akonadi Testrunner[2]. However akonaditest is having trouble picking up the KDEHOME I set inside config.xml. The KDEHOME set inside does not contain a copy of the directory that I set inside config.xml.

My config.xml:
Code: Select all
  <envvar name="AKONADI_DISABLE_AGENT_AUTOSTART">true</envvar>

Also I've noticed the following:
Code: Select all
kkrizka@tiny101 ~/tmp/akondai $ akonaditest --config
akonaditest: '<filename>' missing.
akonaditest: Use --help to get a list of available command line options.

However inside the kdepimlibs-4.14.3/akonadi/tests/testrunner/main.cpp, I see the help name of the argument as <configfile>. Also using printouts seem to confirm that the --config argument is never set. Is it possible that the akonaditest --config option is conflicting with the KDE --config option? Or am I doing something wrong?

I am using KDE 4.14.3 on Gentoo.

[1] ... /Resources


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