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How to build my KDE4 and Qt4 application on a KF5 system ?

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I have a little application that uses Qt4 and KTextEditor from KDElibs4.
It works and builds fine on Arch Linux even after installing KF5, as the old libraries still exist.

But another person reported that it does not build on a Kubuntu 15.04 (daily build) system.
Can anyone help me find a way to build it there ?

(It may be a matter of installing a few packages, but I can not figure out which ones.)

Here is a github link for the CMakeLists.txt
( ... eLists.txt)

And if you have Kubuntu 15.04 installed, it would be great if you could give it a try.
Code: Select all
git clone
cd spider
git submodule update --recursive --init
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
make -j9

I am not at this moment, trying to port it to KF5 APIs and Qt5, though I may start on that once it can be considered stable.

Manasij Mukherjee @ Arch Linux | gcc-4.9.2 | Plasma 5.2
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Mike A.
KDE Developer
It's been a little while and I see you're using Qt5Widgets and Qt5Core in the CMake file you linked, so perhaps you've moved past the issue.

If you're still having problems, I think you might try adding some more bells and whistles to your CMake system. Could you try looking at the repo for an existing KDE app and seeing how their CMake systems work? There are a bunch of standard KDE CMake macros to help sort out these sorts of issues in the KDE extra-cmake-modules, and taking advantage of them in your own project can greatly aid making your apps portable.


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