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KDE Frameworks 5 on Windows?

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KDE Frameworks 5 on Windows?

Sat May 09, 2015 6:35 am
I'm just getting started learning Qt (v5) and after doing a little research I decided to add KDE Frameworks 5 to the mix based on their cozy relationship. Alas, I'm developing on Windows 8.1 and I keep going around in circles trying to figure out if it's even feasible to do that at this point and, if not, when that time might come. I've found various hints at using KDE FW 5 on Windows but nothing I can sink my teeth into.

Can anyone provide any insight into this?


P.S. I apologize if this is posted in the wrong forum. I didn't see another one that looked more suitable.
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Mike A.
KDE Developer

Re: KDE Frameworks 5 on Windows?

Tue Jul 28, 2015 6:16 pm
I've gotten quite a lot of Frameworks 5 to build on Windows using emerge. The first step is switch to the Frameworks branch of the emerge repo. After that, I had to go into the Portage directory libs/qt5 and change the Qt version from Qt 5.4 to 5.5, because 5.4 had a great deal of bugs.

After you build Qt and start getting into individual framework parts, you're mostly in unexplored territory. You have to be patient and go into the repositories and make tweaks, especially if you are attempting to use MSVC. (I highly recommend MinGW for your first attempt.) When you do this, instead of just commenting out things that don't work, if you can understand what is going wrong and fix it, this becomes a patch you can submit upstream to the Frameworks developers.


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