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Using KShortcutEditor in Qt Creator

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Tommy Vercetti
Registered Member

Using KShortcutEditor in Qt Creator

Thu May 21, 2015 4:10 pm
Excuse me for a possibly stupid question, but what I need to? I have QtCreator 3.4.0 installed. Installation of kdesignerplugin allowed me to see KDE widgets in widget palette of Designer. But after adding KShorcutEditor to ui, application build fails complaining to the missing header "kshortcuteditor.h" (and same with other KDE widgets). What packages should be installed and what should be written in .pro file to provide succesful build? I'm unable to find any clear manual or article about.

By the way, is KF5 KShortcutEditor compatible with Windows? What library dependencies will it need?


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